5 Recommended Screenings for Women

1. Breast Cancer Testing: Many breast cancers don't come with symptoms and are only detected on screening mammograms, which is why we encourage yearly mammograms for most women age 40 and older, regardless of family history.

2. Cervical Cancer Testing:

MD Anderson screening recommendations are Pap test every three years from age 21 to 29. HPV testing starts at age 30 every five years (preferred) or Pap every three years. Women age 65 or older may no longer need screening exams.

3. Colon Cancer Testing (Colonoscopy): Starting at age 45, women should talk with a healthcare provider about testing options.

The Be Well Bus provides 3-D screening mammography in our state-of-the-art mobile health unit offering a convenient and efficient option for patients.

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4. Lung Cancer Testing: MD Anderson recommends lung cancer screening if you are age 50-80, are a current smoker (or former smoker who quit in the past 15 years) and have a 20 pack per year smoking history (for example, one pack a day for 20 years or two packs a day for 10 years).

5. Skin Cancer Check: Skin cancer screening is generally recommended for people at increased risk for developing skin cancer. Not everyone with risk factors develops skin cancer. However, if you do have one or more risk factors, discuss them with your health care provider and get regular skin cancer screenings. The earlier skin cancer is found, the better the chance of it being treated successfully.

The following factors put you at increased risk for skin cancer:

  • Ultraviolet (UV) light exposure: Extensive lifetime sun exposure or occasional intense exposure causing a sunburn
  • Tanning bed use
  • Age: The longer you are exposed to the sun over time, the higher your risk of developing skin cancer
  • Having a fair complexion, blonde or red hair, freckles, blue eyes and/or a tendency to sunburn
  • Having 50 or more moles

1. Breast Cancer Testing: Many breast cancers don't come with symptoms and are only detected on screening mammograms, which is why we encourage yearly mammograms for most women age 40 and over, regardless of family history.

2. Cervical Cancer Testing:
 MD Anderson screening recommendations are Pap test every three years from age 21 to 29. HPV testing starts at age 30 every five years (preferred) or Pap every three years. Women age 65 or older may no longer need screening exams.

3. Colon Cancer Testing (Colonoscopy): Starting at age 45, women should talk with a healthcare provider about testing options.